Last day of fertile window, stupid question


Okay I can not find any medical journals anywhere to answer this question and frankly I feel stupid even asking but here goes:

I've had a particularly weird vibe every month about having sex during the 2ww. For some reason I have it in my mind that it could interfere with implantation. I'm on my second round of clomid too, and I just don't want to waste any more of mine and my husbands time, money (especially, ttc is expensive when your body isn't functioning properly), and emotions by making any wrong choices. My husband doesn't pressure me by any means to have sex during the 2ww but I thought I would see if anybody knew anything because it sucks not being intimate except during and around the fertile window. Again, I know. It sounds like a stupid question.

Be kind please, I am not a total idiot I just don't know the answer to this.