Pelvic pain help

cassafrass • .

So let me start off my mentioning that I'm 4 months postpartum and I've had 5 periods so far. My cycles have been pretty short but I'm sure that's normal as my body is getting back to normal. I'm also breastfeeding, but my son is mostly formula fed since my milk supply decreased significantly after returning to work.

Anyway, if I go by my cycle length before my baby that was about 31-33 days. I'm on cd 23 so my period is probably due in about 8 days or so..but if I go by my last cycle in December that was about 24 days so I'd be due to start tomorrow. Well for the past 2 days I've been having a lot of pelvic pain, it's not cramping but feels more like my uterus is going to fall out lol its uncomfortable to walk and it just sucks.

Has anybody experienced this?

Also I'm not on any form of birthcontrol, we do use the withdrawal method which he's been a pro at for quite some time now, and I don't believe I was ovulating when we had sex.