TTC Advice/Thoughts Please

My husband & I have been TTC for almost 15 months now. I haven't taken any fertility treatments or anything because I had never had trouble getting pregnant when I was younger (2 healthy pregnancies). My son's Aunt adopted him because I was young and immature. the 2nd was conceived thru rape & I didn't keep. Anyway, my husband and I BD once on Friday when I was ovulating with an 11% chance, BD twice on Saturday when it was 18% chance (has anyone noticed how horny ovulating makes you?!), then once just now (Monday) with 33% chance of pregnancy.
Has anyone else ever had a month like this where they DID get pregnant? Any advice? I feel & hope that this is my lucky month. If it is, he/she would be born in Oct, a little Libra like me. Maybe my dreams of a little girl might come true. *Fingers Crossed* Thoughts? Thanks! Baby Dust to all! ✨🌹❤