Weed tampons and Whoopis menstrual products

Hannah • Fur mamma. Heathen.

I recently bought vaginal suppositories for menstrual relief. They give you relief for cramps without any psychoactive effects. Well I got them in time for my period. They came in 2 days with free shipping. They're smaller than I thought, about the size of a light bulb from Christmas tree lights. Same shape and everything. It's made of thc and cbd oil and coco butter. Thats it. So you can put a real tampon in there to help insert it and also just to have it. This product wouldn't work with cups. It took about 40 mins to kick in for me and it gave me great relief. It was 35 dollars for 4 of them.

Now my favorite though are Whoopis menstrual relief chocolate jars. I just mix 2 tablespoons with a cup of almond milk on the stove and drink it like hot chocolate. And it's an amazing edible. It relaxed me 100% but I wasn't head high so that I couldn't think. It also relieved my headache.

What do you ladies think about these products?