Does anyone else's husband act like this whenever they're mad??

I've been sick the past week with a terrible sinus infection, migraines, and a bad wheezing cough. I started a load of laundry, and started a load of dishes in the dishwasher. I still had to sweep and pick things up off of the floors and clean the kitchen but decided to just sit down for a little first. Which was at 12pm this afternoon. My husband went with my dad to Walmart and an antique store during that time and then when he showed up at 1. He went on a rampage. It all started because I looked in the bank account and saw that he's spent over 300 in the course of 3 three days on stuff that he does not need whenever we have bills and don't get paid until this coming friday. So I sent him a text telling him he needs to quit spending so much money on random crap. So when he showed up he would not even talk to me and then started going on a rampage because I was sitting down watching TV and didn't finish cleaning yet. He started screaming at me telling me I'm lazy, and that I should be cleaning, that I do nothing around the house, and then he opened up the cabinet I keep my tampons and pads in and saw that the bag was filled with pad wrappers and kept saying how disgusting and nasty I am, then he kept going on again about how lazy I am, (as I'm crying the whole time he's saying these things to me) and he would not stop. I kept telling him to stop talking to me this way and I'm sick of being talked to like this..that my dad never talks to my mom this way, his dad never talks to his mom this way, and his brother would never speak to a girl this way. And then he said that he's sure when his brother gets married that he'll have a better wife and will be a lot better than me. And he constantly tells me I'm not a hard worker, and need a new job, I'm a cosmetologist. He's a diesel mechanic and makes almost 2000 every other week. And he thinks I should have a job that makes the amount he does. And I could not take it anymore I was crying and crying and I stood up took his hat off of his face and hit him in the face with it. I couldn't take being talked to like this. And then he got mad screamed at me in my face and left and didn't come back for 2 hours. He then came back and hasn't looked or said a single word to me the past 4 hours. 😕 he does have adhd. And Idk if the way he was talking to me is related to that or not. I cook, I do the laundry, I make sure his clothes are washed and set out for him every morning, I get his body wash , deodorant, cook, clean, wipe his pee off the toilet seat, he acts like I do nothing.


He finally talked to me but started yelling again telling me he doesn't want to talk to me and is mad that I didn't say anything to him when he got home or say an apology to him. Because he said I am the one at fault for hitting him with his hat. He keeps telling me he doesn't want to talk to me. And to get away from him and that I'm a nutcase. I can't stop crying. I'm to the point where I don't even want to go into work in this morning