how royally have a screwed up!?

Ok so this may just be a giant rant but my husband has never put our baby to bed and has never woken up with her at night.. She's 8 months old and is EBF (she be solids too). I mean, have I screwed myself over? I love my husband dearly but I get so frustrated when he doesn't want to help with stuff during the day.. He has this whole parenting thing so freaking easy and I swear he knows he does! I work full time too. I don't feel extreme anger towards him bc I decided to breast feed but LO still isn't sleeping through the night and now I think she just comfort nurses and won't sleep until I let her nurse. I'm wanting to ask him to help take over some of the night time duty to help ween her from comfort nursing but I know he's going to be so lost and not know how to comfort her and I'll still end up waking up and fixing it so I might as well just get up from the get go...😩 Whatbin the world am I going to do..?  Not how I expected this all to go.