sex-- struggling orgasms

***** slightly vulgar! Sorry 🙆🏽
Okay so here is the gist. I'm only 19 years old. I've been having sex for about three years, but only a year and half ago had my first orgasm. My current boyfriend is the first guy to ever get me off. We've been together for almost two years. He is hot as hell, like lord save my soul the images of him naked. Anyways, it's clearly not that I don't find him attractive or that the sex isn't hot. I have the HARDEST time trying to orgasm. I have to have clit stimulation. You can forget just penetration. I've explained to my boyfriend multiple times, he gets it but gets annoyed when we have sex for an hour and he eats me out and still nothing. It's like all I want to do is cum on his face and orgasm but it just doesn't happen. After about literally 5-7 minutes gets off and we continue. His penis gets raw and of course he gets a little upset. We do not use condoms because I'm on birth control and we both like the feeling of no condoms. I guess I want some tips from anyone else having this problem or anything anyone has. I have tried to use vibrators, it helps but doesn't 100% work every time. Or it takes like 40 minutes. (If this is a little messed up it's because I just got off work and extremely tired) thanks for any advice you can give!!