Bad breast feeding advice???


im worried ive been givwn bad advice from my current ibclc based on some research . I was hoping to gwt another ibclc opinion.

Baby was born at 8.3lbs, lowest 7.9lbs at hospital, her 1 week cheeck up was still 7.9lbs then 3 days later was 7.11lbs And her two week was 7.12lbs. I go tomorrow for another weight check with pediatrician. My ibclc had me come in at my 1 week and told me to take baby off my breast after 20 mins. Because she would stay on one side for 40 and be sleepy,.pacifying, and only actually swallowing very little. She weighed baby had me feed her and weighed again. My right side she only got about 8ml after 15 mins. And my left side 34ml. She also has me pumping for 10 minutes after feedings when i can. But i maybe pump out an ounce after a day of doing that. Not enough to supplement properly. So after a week of that and only going up from 7.11 to 7.12, she has me supplementing 1oz of formula after i feed her on me, and still pumping to see how her weight check is tomorrow and go from there. Im afraid this is ultimately hurting my supply, but i dont want to starve baby on accident if i truly have a low supply issue. Sorry this is so long! Plz helo id love to.go back to EBF!