Miracle Baby

I was 41 weeks when I got induced. I was in labor for 12+ hours, I had a midwife as a doc at my hospital (which is military). I got induced with the fully bulb, and when it fell out the midwife said I was 4cm and ready for my epidural. 2 hours later she told me I was 7cm dilated. Then the shift change came and I had an actual delivery doctor ( male). He checked me and said I was barely 5cm and if I didn't dialate any in the next hour they were going to do a C-section. Because I had been in labor so long. Well an hour later I hadn't dilated any, so they prepped for my cs and so on. (Note: this hospital doesn't do ultrasounds while your in labor-stupid). When they got to the baby the doc said she had the cord wrapped around her neck not 1 not 2 but 3x. He had to cut it off. (She was perfectly fine and healthy). 9.2lbs and 20in. He said she was a miracle baby because if I wouldeve dilated and had her naturally like planned she would have chocked to death without us even knowing. God saved my baby and I thank him everyday for it♡ she's my sweet angel and I don't think I could make it without her.