Trashy Exes


Lol, so my and I broke up right after thanksgiving after being together since January. The whole time he cheated on me with like 30 different girls over the internet and with the same ones going on for months at a time. He just started dating somebody else and is doing the same exact thing. It is so disgusting and I am so glad to be rid of him. I just thought I would share what I posted in his about me on his facebook profile which is public for all the world to see. Thank god I didn't go back to him even though he claimed he was going to propose.

Update: so he had this poor girl quit her job to move in with him too. What a pos. She now knows him as he truly is and i'm very thankful that I am not the one getting hurt but I would not wish this on anyone. Thank god she has been nice and didn't lash out at me.