Rant coming ...


So I decided that this year is the year I'm going to change my eating habits around and start eating healthier. I'm sick of coming home from shopping and crying because I dont feel good and confident in any piece of clothing. Every time I go out with my friends I'm always the chubby friend.

Anyway, I came across an amazing group on facebook with girls who support each other to lose weight, sharing meals bla bla bla even one of my best friends is doing it.

I made up a meal plan and a routine so I know to get up at 6am and go for a walk and so on.

I was excitedly speaking to my partner about it and he kept laughing and scoffing playing his ps4 saying "I give you a week!" 😑

Maaaan, I was feeling so motivated and he managed to make me feel like crap in less than 5 seconds!

I want this! I want to change and I know I can do it! I just wish I had his support. I have more support from a group of strangers in a facebook page than my own partner of nearly 4 years! "I'm proud of you" or "I believe in you" would go a long way. I would feel even more motivated! 😣😣