does anyone else start their morning off this way?

Pamela • Son Patrick 3/6/06. Chemical pregnancy 11/2016. Baby girl/boy twins Liliana and Alexander 11/7/17
I was never big on taking supplements except my pre natal but when I found out I wasn't ovulating I did my homework. I started with Maca,  Vitex and Red Clover. I finally started ovulating but it was too late in my cycle so I added OvaBoost to the mix. Started ovulating sooner but wasn't making enough EWCM so added FertilCM. This is my first cycle since my chemical pregnancy and I ovulated a little late so added some B6 hoping to lengthen my luteal phase. My doctor couldn't officially confirm these are what helped me but said he can't deny it either. Praying for a sticking bean this cycle. I also drink 2 glassss of fertility tea daily.