Whole Foods Shopping Haul

The Little Mermaid
For the new year, I've decided to make some changes. Mentally, physically, and emotionally. However, I'm a bit upset that I spent $105 on only 6 items 😭 Please don't judge me. Anyway, I bought two bottles of kefir for my chronic vaginal yeast infections. My doctor told me if I don't want to get on anti-biotics I'll have to change my diet and drink Kefir. Also, I read great reviews on Rainbow light multi vitamins. I'm 22 though. Should I return them? Does anyone young take these? The Maca powder I bought is for extra vitamins and energy. I also read excellent things about this. Apparently some women on Glow said they used for a boost in fertility but I don't know if that's just a myth and coincidence lol. And I got two natural liquid foundations because I have very very sensitive skin. I know it's better to NOT wear makeup but sometimes I feel I have to because my acne is so bad. These foundations are not 100% natural or organic but they have less harsh ingredients and use most natural stuff such as jojoba, soybean, and rosemary. Have any of you used these products?