Very low po temps this cycle only


Hi ladies,

I have been freaking out the last few days and crying all morning because of these low temperatures😠 I believe this is my 4th cycle temping. All of my previous ones are consistent and in same ranges, and I always have a clear shift after ovulation. This month I have not had a clear shift and my temperatures post O have been very low (97.0-97.5), when usually they are from 97.7-98.3. I noticed this month I spotted for four days followed by a two day normal period which has never happened to me (my periods are always consitent i usually spot for a day before af and it lasts 4-5 days). The only things i have changed in my routines have been doubling my vitex dosage (a couple of weeks ago i went from 500/day to 1000/day, and i have been taking the vitex since october). I also started usuing progesterone cream lasy cycle, 20mg twice a day (it didnt change anything last cycle). So my question is, should i be freaking out and thinking i didnt ovulate this cycle? I took the pee stick test which confirmed O on the day it always happens and i did experience a slight dip (i always do), however the temps dodnt rise much after and go lower than the cover and just arent normals for me. Sorry for such a long post im just so upset. It's crazy how these things mess with out heads😯