Have you ever had to shave your face?

Koo Kimberly 🌼 • ♡ •Intactivist •ProChoice •ProLGBT ♡
I just had to shave my face because I had a little more peach fuzz than I'm comfortable with. 😶

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I have a tiny bit of fuzz on my upper lip, barely noticable. I know if i start shaving it'll just make it worse so i've learned to embrace it


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Sideburns 🙊🙊


Natalie • Jan 5, 2017
Girl I get you😂


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I've been super insecure about the amount I have, but cannot bring myself to shaving it. I have dark hair and I know how quickly my hair grows back so I would be scared too. Try using wax? That's what I'm going to do! 


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My face is super fuzzy but Ive never done anything about it. It isn't noticeable unless you are really up close to me. I've learned to just deal with it and not shave it .


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my mom freaked me out as a kid and said if i shave any hair on my face it'll grow back as a full blown man beard. so i never did, i bleach it every once in awhile so it blends in with my skin, but usually i just leave it alone


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I wax my stache, shaving will make it grow back more visible. 


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I wax my lip every week and the sides of my fave once a month or so.


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I just pluck my femme stache as I call it lol . Mine isn't super noticeable or anything but I do have dark hair so it is visible when up close ! I just pluck it !