Pregnancy blood test came back positive

I just found out two days ago that the round of COH and <a href="">IUI</a> was successful! I'm 4 wks and 6 days pregnant. It's been a struggle trying to conceive with endometriosis, and major depression (off my meds for TTC and the pregnancy). So this was a huge relief for me. My struggle is, I feel like I'm not allowed to be excited yet. Like so much has gone wrong that I feel like I can't let myself get excited because something else is bound to go wrong. I'm feeling heavy with fears like "what if the fertility clinic was mistaken and I'm nky pregant?", or "what if I miscarrry this week?". I know there is a sea of "what if's", but I'm just needing encouragement. How do I left meself be as excited as I know I feel deeep down?