Let's play a game girls! Called "Would you rather!" Just something to take our minds off of the stress of ttc. Let's do something fun!

Ky 8-15-17👼🏼 & 10-28-17👼🏼 Pregnant with my🌈💕

I always need to find something to relax my mind and the waves of sadness I get throughout the day because of the stress and sadness that comes along with TTC. I thought it'd be nice to play a little game called "Would You rather" an example would be "would you rather eat a bull testicle for 5 million dollars or eat 5 caterpillars and have all of your debt payed off?" So then people have to answer with one of those choices. Each of you ladies come up with a "Would you rather" question, post it down below, and see all the answers that you get and what other people ask! They can be funny, weird, whatever you want! But the only rule for answering the question is you have to choose one of the choices given! I'll go first!!


1. Get every hair on your body plucked off?


2. Get every nail ripped off?

Come on ladies let's here some of your would you rather questions too!!!