mad or nah?

So my boyfriend was talking to a girl he works with, on Instagram DM. He has cheated on me like 3 or 4 times. (One kiss and the rest nudes/flirty chat) he knows I feel very uncomfortable with him talking to these girls because he told people they're hot. He spoke to one of them last night and I had a really bad dream about him and her. Anyways he expects me to tell him every single time I talk to a guy.. which I do. But he never does and I'm so iffy about what he does when he's not with me. Especially when he's at work because I give him full descriptions about my day at work when he asks. When I ask what he did and work and how it was he says same old. 
This is some of the things he said to her. Calling her love and wanting to be with her and stuff. She knows he has a girlfriend and she seems not interested which I feel a little better about