
Breastfeeding had been challenging for me in Noni's first few weeks of life. She dropped weight her 1st week home so we supplemented. At 2 months old everything was a piece of cake. Now that she's 4 months old she isn't "gaining" like she's supposed to. She nurses from one breast for 7-10 minutes. She'd ALWAYS nursed on one side for 7-10 minutes since day one. 
Now her doctor is stressing to get her on a bottle so we know how many ounces she's eating in a day. She's been EBF for 3 months straight. It's hard to get her to take a bottle. (Yesterday she did though while she was half asleep and hadn't eaten in 5 hours. She got shots the day before and was still kinda out of it) Everyone one wants me to leave her starving with them for 3+ hours so they can try to give her a bottle. That doesn't sit well with me. "Eventually she'll get hungry enough and will take one" that's so cruel to me. I'm tired of these highs and lows of BFing every couple of months. It's always something. How can BM not be nutritious enough?
I eat fairly healthy & drink 12+ cups of water a day. 😩
This is so stressful for me. 
Her doctor told me to start giving her rice cereal to see if that'll help her. I see a LC every week. They have breastfeeding group. Next Tuesday I am hoping to get some answers at group. 
😞vent over.