Teething? Cold? Something else?

Looking for suggestions/experiences...
My 4 1/2 mo girl started daycare this last week. On Thursday she was sent home at 3pm with a fever. They said it was 101.9 which freaked me out! But when I took it, it was 101. After a dose of Tylenol and a Luke warm bath it was down to 99.2 that evening. By morning it was normal and has stayed normal. She was fine all day yesterday (I stayed home with her) other than a little more sleepy than normal. Until yesterday evening when she started being whiny/fussy. Not crying...able to be distracted and smile, but then back to the whining. 
She has been teething since Christmas and is getting her bottom canine tooth first! (Unique?) 
She slept GREAT last night. (She has been a amazing sleeper since birth...typically sleeps 10 hours straight, which she did last night too). She's been a little fussy when eating (EBF), I'm guessing because of teething...
Anyway, this morning she has been non-stop whining again! It is just not like her! She is SO even-tempered. Usually very happy and smiley! 
I called the nurse line and they didn't seem concerned at all but told me to watch for her scratching at her ears, as that would indicate an ear-infection.
I guess I just don't know if it warrants bringing her in or if all this could just be her teeth and she'll be fine?? Sorry this is LONG! FTM and this is the first issue like this we've had. Spam me with your experiences/suggestions PLEASE!!!