Bleeding too much? Please give me advice im worried about my cycles :(

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That happened to me as well.. Went to the doc and they told me it was completely normal so I went to the OBGYN and they said the only thing that could help me was BIRTH CONTROL PILLS BUT I'M TTC so.. then I found out about fertilaid and I SWEAR you need to try them.. It regulates your hormones while TTC


Brandi • Jan 8, 2017


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Please talk to a doctor. These cycles are not compatible with pregnancy without help 


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Are you on BC?


Kristi • Jan 8, 2017
it could still be in your system but id say try vitex, it helped regulate mine. took ten days off my cycle. get it online or in a vitamin shoppe


Kathryn • Jan 8, 2017
No i stopped it 7 months ago :)


Posted at
God lord...I'm just thinking about all the $$ you spend on tampons


Kathryn • Jan 8, 2017
yeah it sucks! lucky in Australia they arent as expensive as in the US I don't think


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😧go to the doctor.... 


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You need to see a Dr. I was bleeding a lot and they found my uterine lining wasn't shedding all the way and when it builds up like that can progress to cancer. I had to have a d&c and take meds for 6 months. That was three years ago. Been perfect since. But seriously, Dr, people here can't diagnose you.