not sure what to do 😞

This guy (let's say his name is john) and I have been friends for a year and a half. (Since my freshman year) he's 17 and I'm about to be 17 in less then a month and I have liked him since the moment I met him. My friend from school (let's say her name is Bella) and John are cousins so that's how John and I met. She says she can tell that he likes me and I really do believe him. I was going to ask him to formal but he said no just because he said dances like that r not fun. And it really broke me but I got over it. And after he said no we really didn't talk for about a month. The other day He texted me saying "hey" (now let me say- that was one of the only times he has ever texted me first. I got all bitchy with him about that about how he doesn't text me first and to text me when he is thinking of me so I guess he was thinking about me) And after he texted me I got butterflies in my stomach because he's so amazing. (I have only gotten butterflies in my stomach once and it was from a guy who I loved for 2 years) so not a lot of people make me feel that way) and we have been talking a lot the last few days and he said I was beautiful and gorgeous and said that he loved me (as a friend because I said it first and because he said that he would say it when he was ready and before he would never say it to me because he said it just didn't feel right (or something like that) well we talked about becoming closer friends and hanging out and he said he wanted to and it made me feel so good. But the only problem is I don't know how to become closer with him? Any ideas that you girls got to become closer with the guy of your dreams? I really like him and he said I wouldn't lose him and that he wanted to
See where things went between us. What does all this stuff mean??? Sorry for the long post but it's really important to me. Give honest opinions about this please.Â