need some support, raising my daughter on my own in a full house of with no support

I need to vent. I don't know what to do. I'm 20, FTM, a navy girlfriend; my boyfriend has been in the navy since we've been together and we just had a baby, she is now 7 weeks old.  He is stationed in another state than I and is deployed for a year, of no contact. I'm a stay at home mom while he's away. It's hard enough with him so far away for so long, missing so much along with no benefits since we are not married. But being, physically, (obviously I'm Not single but you get it) a single mom is killing me. I live at home, with my daughter, mom, dad, 5 sisters, and nephew.   My oldest sister is 25, youngest is 9. I can honestly say, I get no help or support even with this house being full. Now don't get me wrong, I understand this is my baby and my responsibility, but it's hard. And they see me struggle. My mom is raising my nephew, my sister was 14 when she was pregnant and is very irresponsible, it's like she doesn't want him. My nephew is now 1 1/2 and my sister hardly takes any part in raising him or taking care of him, she's only focused on her next boyfriend of the month (I don't mean to be shallow, I'm literally being honest.) It's just getting so hard for me and honestly upsets me. When I ask my mom for a simple break, which I NEVER do unless I need it.. I feel wrong putting my daughter on anyone.. or for her to watch my daughter for an hour so I can shower it's always something. Because she has to watch my nephew. My dad is never home due to work. And some of my sisters work or go to school. And the ones that are older just don't care to help me. The one doesn't even touch her own son, and the others would rather be on their phones than to help me or watch her for a few minutes. It disgusts me and hurts. My daughter is also badly colic, and is up screaming every night from 4-8 hours at times. They see I need help and run off of no sleep, and a break but don't care to help, even when I ask. I eat no exaggerations, once a day if that. I shower maybe 1-2 times a week. Going to the bathroom is rushed. I get no me time. My room is a disaster due to having no time to clean. Only free time I get is when she's asleep which I usually take myself to sleep too, because she doesn't sleep log and I need sleep. And when she's awake she is always fussing(colic). I also helped raise my nephew up until having my own. It may be wrong of me to expect help, but they all also told me I can't and shouldn't move in with my bf in Virginia after his deployment because they'd miss me and my daughter and I'm going to need help so I shouldn't move 8 hours away.. yet they DONT help me. I'd get if not the same amount I get now ( NONE), more from my boyfriend. Whenever he makes it home it's so relieving with how much he helps. I can never ask his mom for help either because she raises his niece who is 3 along with her children who are young (youngest is 5). And I don't hear from her ever, she hardly tried and never asks to see our daughter. I have no support system and have struggled with postpartum depression. I just need a break and feel so uncared for.