first time pregnancy, sos

after tracking my cycle ONCE, we got pregnant!!!! i've only taken one test and on my way to get another one. at this point, i'm scared and excited and nervous but mostly excited! does anybody have any advice for me? about vitamins, a diet (because mine is horrid) and what to do now?! my SO is so excited, but this is my first pregnancy and i'm just stuck on what to do! when will i start showing? when will the morning sickness start? will i even have morning sickness? soooo many questions! i am so excited to become a mommy 💕
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I take natures made with dha, iron, vit c, vid d and bcomplex. All the excess was recommended via my ob as I was on depression meds before. The iron is due to my anemia prior to getting pregnant and still being low during pregnancy. I work out 20 min a day and need to start stretches soon. I never had morning sickness. A few days of nausea but nothing else. I've had more diarrhea/constipation problems. Also having to pee all the time. My son has been low my entire pregnancy. As someone else said symptoms and things varry for everyone and even each pregnancy is different for people. 


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Aren't you a lucky duck! Congratulations. As for diet you can get what you like. I had a big sugar tooth while pregnant so I ate a lot of candy... Baby is fine! Some get morning sickness. Some get all day. Some get afternoon sickness. Hopefully you're lucky again and don't get it! I had it during the morning which turned to all day then turned to just night. Never puked. Thank the lord. My sickness started around nine weeks and stopped three weeks after. I would rather have the sickness at night because then you're so tired from growing a baby you just pass out and don't have to deal with it. I was just like you on waiting for the bump. I would look at girls who were 20 weeks and think oh my gosh I can't wait to have a big bump like that then 20 weeks came and I had barley anything. So nobody can tell you exactly when you'll start to show! As for prenatals I take vitafusion. 


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Morning sickness varies, some people go a full pregnancy without being sick. Some have very very bad morning sickness and sometimes only happens sometimes. It just depends on you, everyone is different. Congrats xxxx