moms with little ones close in age, delivery question

Jolene • Momma of a beautiful girl Kinsley Anne born Jan 18th 2016 and due with our 2nd girl Maddison Reece due May 15th 2017
So my question is if any moms had their little ones part of the whole having the baby, and what about the hospital stay for recovery, can she stay with us? Or at least for majority part?
My daughter will be one on the 18th this next baby girl is due May 16th, we don't have family close to us, closest family member is an hr away, and actually further away from the hospital at which we will be giving birth. So since my daughter will only be a yr and 5mnths she won't fully understand that she will have a little sister so we want her part of the delivery as much as possible, not the actual pushing the baby out. And I'm a sahm and she's really attached to me, like she doesn't even care for dad, I'm her #1 and u just don't take her from me she's really attached. So I don't think having her stay with someone she sees only on occasion would be in her best interest. 
We don't ever ask for help with anything and we just don't know if hospital will allow our daughter to be part of this. We want her with us as much as possible