Will I ever get over the fact that my ex cheated on me and only wanted sex from me?

I left my emotionally abussive relationship over 3 years ago. I was cheated on, left alone many nights, and felt as though I was only wanted for sex. I was in that relationship for 3 years and during that span developed an eating disorder, attempting suicide multiple times, and went through a severe depression. All in all, I got through it and left his sorry ass. I have been in a healthy relationship now for 2 years, and he makes me feel wonderful. But there are days where I remember my ex, and I cry about everything. Or if I hear his name or see someone that looks like him, I shake. If my boyfriend does something or says a joke that reminds me of my ex, I get extremely scared and put my walls up. I'm just wondering, for anyone who has been in my shoes, is there ever a time where you just stopped being reminded of your ex? My current boyfriend knows a bit about what I went through in my past relationship, but not that I still think about what he did to me, so I can't even talk to him about it. Should I bring it up? Or try and put it behind me?