Baby fever driving me mad!

I've been with my fella 10 months now. He's nearly 41 and I'm 37. I've a teenage son from a previous relationship. My fella is the love of my life. I want to marry him with all my heart. Marriage is not on the cards yet due to the cost. My worry is our ages and leaving it too long to TTC.

I have pcos and endometriosis so am terrified I've left it too long to have more children. He's not ready for kids yet (?). I'd like to start to TTC soon, once my coil is removed, but it will be a few months yet. Baby fever is driving me mad but mainly due to the fear of things going wrong and the age issues causing problems with baby.

What should I do? I've tried talking to him about it but I don't think he understands fully the problems with my health. Is it too soon to TTC?

I just don't know what to do!! Please only helpful comments thanks x