weight insecurity

I've always battled with physical insecurities and my weight. I yo yo a lot. Recently I dropped 50ibs and have nearly gained it all back. I am dissapointed in myself and can't figure out how to balance healthy eating. I'm an emotional eater and when feeling uneasy just want to eat and eat. I tend to get this way frequently as I am in the midst of completing certification for my career, am in grad school and work full time/pay for school. What's bringing on a bit more insecurity is that I am with my first BF ever. When we met I was about twenty pounds lighter and am scared he may not be as attracted to me and pay a bit more attention to other girls. Our relationship is still new. Has anyone gone through this or felt this way before? How do you handle emotional eating cravings? Am I projecting my insecurity onto him? Thanks girls