4 wk old single mom, Am I doing everything wrong?

My son sleeps with me I tried his bed by mine but he won't sleep in it. He likes to cuddle up with me. I am a very aware of my surroundings sleeper. I am a very light sleeper at that. He can't fall off my bed we are surrounded by pillows. He will either sleep on top of a pillow but most nights he ends up sleeping on my chest bc he will fussy until he's on top of me. My mom tells me I hold him too much and I'm spoiling him. I'M SORRY BUT I LOVE HOLDING HIM AND CUDDLING HIM! HE WILL NEVER BE THIS TINY EVER AGAIN I DON'T WANT TO MISS A SECOND!. My mom says it's not good. I mean maybe if she held me more as a baby we would get along... I'm being told that I shouldn't be tired by now and he shouldn't sleep so much and that I let him sleep too much and that's why he wakes up at night. He eats every 2 to 3 hours constantly thru day and night. Am I supposed to have energy at this point? Is it OK to sleep while he sleeps to get rest or am I sleeping too much during the day? I need answers from you moms!!