advice needed

So my fiancé and I have officially been TTC for going on 5 months now. Last month we had a few stressful things happen so I sorta understood why he wasn't into BDing around ovulation. But many times in the past few months he states that he's tired and even before this journey started I know it's hard for him to get off when he's tired. Next week is peak week and I'm just scared he's going to state that he's to tired. I've asked him if he still wants to have a baby and he's stated yes and he genuinely appears to fell bad when he "isn't up to it". Any suggestions? as I'm taking meds for PCOS and they're not super expensive but I could also just be on birth control. And I know with this syndrome it's already hard enough even when you time it right.  I also try to just give him a heads up the week before so he doesn't feel super pressured.