I'm pathetic...

Jen • 40 years old. PCOS. Daughter born 5/25/17 after beating infertility! 💜 Daughter #2 born 3/21/2019. 🎉
...and I need someone to tell me it's going to be okay. I weighed in this morning at 219. I'm up 20 lbs and I'm only 22 weeks pregnant.
I'm anxious for every midwife appointment because of my weight and I just feel like a failure. I told myself I wouldnt let myself be a slob during pregnancy and now I worry it's too late to turn this around. 
I lost 100 lbs before getting pregnant and it's like I'm watching it all slip away. Does anyone ever feel like this??? Whenever I try to talk to people I just get called selfish. 😥