venting- other women

I'm in the last couple of weeks of my pregnancy. I have gained 40 lbs, I was 108 when I got pregnant. I am petite. I have heard many many insults from other women, including, my baby might not be healthy, I'm so small, I don't even look pregnant, so on and so on. 
I've lost two babies in a year- one being half term and lost in labor and delivery followed by cremation and small funeral for my family, it was devastating. 
Obviously I'm sensitive and try to always be courteous of other pregnant women because I'm not the only one who has went through loss- my point is, 
Why are some women so bold and feel the need to make rude comments to me and I have like 3 weeks left? I would NEVER say something that could hurt someones feelings during pregnancy, even before my losses. I'm holding resentment and anger towards women that did this months ago because it continues to happen. It's making me a total bitch to everyone. Has anyone went through this- and if so, some kind sane normal advice would be appreciated.