heavy bleeding and clotting with period like cramps

Someone please help me feel better about what's happening to me. Yesterday I started feeling period like cramps, I felt weird about them. So I got up to use the bathroom and when I get a gush of blood came with it.. went straight to the er . Where they told me that they would do an ultrasound to check on my baby, which should be six weeks and 3 days yesterday.. the tech told me that if she heard or saw a heartbeat she'd show me.. but stayed quiet the whole time.. they sent me home telling me to come back on Thursday to have my hcg levels tested again to see if they doubled, I was only at 1000.. so it's now the next day, and my cramps are currently gone because I took medicine, but the bleeding is heavier then a my normal periods.. and last night I was woken up to so much pain and bleeding that I almost had to go back to the er.. I'm trying to stay positive but obviously thinking the worst .. has this happened to anyone else , and if so what was the result..