
I'm now 6 days late! BFN on the past 2 tests.  I went off BC In October, so it very well could be my cycles regulating.  I can tell my hormones are doing something...I have one large breast, have had increased sticky CM but is changing to creamy, and have been getting dizzy spells like I do during my TWW.   My cervix is high and wet and I think closed (still learning that pattern). I also don't have any of my typical "AF is coming" signs.  I'm not <a href="">tracking ovulation</a> other than tracking CM, so not sure how many dpo I am, if I even ovulated at all.  As much as I pray that I'm going to have a later BFP, I'm also hoping for AF to show up so we can start trying again if that's the course we're going.  
I guess my post other than to vent is to see who all has similar stories to share and help the waiting process?!