Should I go to the hospital?

My SO just picked a fight with me while his GMA is in the hospital/my have had a stroke. He sent me a screenshot of a picture I liked maybe early this morning and said "So who is this & why were you following him & liking his pictures." The picture wasn't of a face or anything... just a suit and tie. I followed the guy bc his daughter is in modeling and I'm having a little girl so I'm just a little obsessed with cute little girls right now! He has cheated via social media and likes half naked pictures and done VERY inappropriate things via social media... so  I have been so insecure about the things he does.. well he logged on to my IG to see these things... I was about to go to the hospital to visit his family bc his grandma may have had a stroke and now I just feel... awkward and pissed. We have been fighting SOOOOOO much and I'm sofucking stressed out and 7 months pregnant.. he knows I would never cheat on him but I can't say the same for him... should I go to the hospital still? What should I do?