rant/ opinions

So my man is in the service and he loves me but relationships are not his strong suit he's a lone wolf. He says he loves me and is super sweet. He dose not always give me what I need when it comes to cute couple stuff but we are finding a balance. Until he tells me things like oh when ur older and married with kids and I have gf and I visit my gf and ur husband are gunna be jealous because we love each other still and we didn't wanna let each other go blah blah blah 
But he says he doesn't want to back out of this and neither do I
I understand that he will leave and be stationed somewhere 
I understand that I'm not looking for marriage right now but it's always in the back of my mind 
And there is no way I would drop my life to go with him. But why can't we just live in the moment this freaks me out And this puts my "walls" up with him as a way to protect myself. I struggle with intimacy at the moment and this doesn't help. Idk I just needed to rant and get out of my head.