ovulation help!

Nikita • We got married June 6, 2015. We have a daughter, a son, and I’m pregnant with our second daughter.
I took a Clearblue advance ovulation test and I took a cheapie Wondfo test both with the same fmu. I got a high peak with the clearblue test but not the Wondfo. Also yesterday the clearblue said low fertility, so it  completely skipped high fertility days and went straight to peak. Which test should I go by? Should I say I have peak fertility today and stop testing, or keep testing and wait to see if I get more peak days? I have been having some ovulation symptoms like cramps and a half pound weight gain which is all normal for ovulation, but I haven't gotten any EWCM. This is our 14 month trying and I really don't want to miss our window. Thanks for the help ladies!!