weight loss

hi ladies! i'm new to the app (yay i love it so far) and this is my first post. recently i have been struggling with my weight gain. i gained my "freshman fifteen" and then some after starting my first year of college. i know why i've gained weight. i don't eat good, i don't get enough sleep, and i heavily drink alcohol. this year i am really determined to have some lifestyle changes. i want to not only look good, but feel even better. so far i have started off trying to workout 4-6 times a week, which mainly consist of cardio. i also have been trying to change my eating habits because i know weight change usually comes from the kitchen. i am trying to include more fresh vegetables in my diet and a significantly less amount of processed foods. i guess my question to you all would be do you have any tips or advice for sticking to my plan?? any meal recommendations or work out tips? seriously would love to hear any and all feedback!! thank you ❤️❤️