relationship drama

So last week I broke up with my boyfriend of only 5 months. I caught him texting his ex girlfriend, who has tried to break us up, for the third time. Not only was he still liking her pictures and texting her, they met up and did God knows what. This is the third time. I told him that I've had it and wasn't going to be with him any longer and left. When I was with my boyfriend, my friend Allie introduced both me and my boyfriend to her friend Marco. After Allie left for base back in Florida, me and Marco became friends. He lived right across the street so he came over a couple of times. My parents never liked my boyfriend, they wouldn't even let him inside the house, but for some reason they loved Marco. Well after my boyfriend and I broke up, Marco went over to cheer me up. We've been hanging out a lot now and my family is so in love with him. My mom calls him son in law and my sisters call him brother. My (ex) boyfriend keeps texting Marco and asking him if we're dating now or seeing each other. If he's not questioning Marco about me, he's crying to him about how much he wants me back. He makes me feel like I'm in the wrong for not giving him a FOURTH chance and being with Marco more and more. I don't know what to do. Am I really wrong for hanging out with Marco so much after my ex cheated on me? Am I movin on too fast? My family hated my ex boyfriend, but they LOVE Marco. It makes me feel good that they like him and him being the sweet guy he is, makes me like him more too. I feel somewhat guilty, but when I'm with Marco I feel better and happy. As if I didn't get hurt or betrayed. I just would like to hear yalls opinion.. Am I really wrong..?