I am 31 weeks and we still don't know what we are naming this baby! I'm freaking out because we always have a name by now. We don't know the gender which isn't helping because we need to pick 2 names, but we wanted to be surprised. We've talked about several options but I'm just not really 'feeling' any of them. I've always felt like our names were right b4...maybe I'm just being Uber picky? Hubby recently suggested William for a boy, which I do love, but I don't know if it flows well with our other children's names. We want to use Robert for the middle name, after his grandpa who is dying. William Robert just doesnt feel like something we'd like. Brianna is the girl name we sorta picked, he wanted to use it last time but we didn't so I said we can use it this time even tho I don't really love it. We dont have a midddle name for it. Our other children are Braden Josiah and Megan Jewell. I don't want any first names ending with 'n' or middle names starting with 'j'. If you are still with me at the end of this super long post then any ideas would be welcome!