ovulating? ⭕️

Caitlyn • Seven angel babies 👼 Two Miracles and #3 on the way! 💙💙💛
Okay so this is my first cycle of clomid.. I took it cycle days 3-7 and today is cycle day 9.. I haven't used the wondfo LH strips since the begininnig of our ttc journey almost two years ago.. I never had one this dark before. I had been using the clear blue digital as of late but because it was only cycle day 9 I decided to start with the cheap ones and was going to go get some clearblue ones closer to normal ovulation time.. 
Yesterday I had a little bit of ewcm but not nearly as much as usual and my cervix never really softened or opened. It was maybe a medium softness.. 
Is this positive? Or just a soon to be positive? I'm afraid I missed my window and I'm only on cycle day 9!