People keep asking me what my symptoms were before I got my BFP. Well, let me tell you. December was the first month I didn't even bother TTC, I wanted to get drunk and have fun. Which I did lol. But I did noticed that I wanted to eat everything in sight! My office does 12 days of Christmas and a different person brings a dish. I WAS THE HAPPIEST PERSON ON EARTH! My office is RIGHT across the kitchen. I would sneak and eat all day. Then one day I woke up with a massive migraine. My first ever. I was tired as hell for two weeks and my boobs were hurting just like they do before my period. On Christmas Day, all I wanted was melted white chocolate with coconut oil and pink gel... 
My husband then proceeded to informed that I was indeed pregnant. We bought a test and lord and behold, as soon as pee hit it it was positive! 
I just thought I should share this in case someone was curious of some symptoms