Any mamas out there a CF carrier?

5 years ago I became pregnant at the age of 15 and here recently at 21. I found out during this pregnancy that I was a cystic fibrosis carrier. What confused me is that I was never told that with my first pregnancy. Still a little thrown off on that but my daughter is a week old today. Her doctor called saying her newborn screening came back and in the cystic fibrosis area her levels were elevated. They've sent her DNA to Wisconsin to be tested. If she has two mutations she has the CF disease, if she just has one mutation she has picked up the carrier gene from myself. We are pretty sure my husband isn't a carrier so if he isn't she couldn't actually have the disease. Hoping that we're right and her levels were elevated from being a carrier. Anyone else went thru this? Oh and prayers greatly appreciated as we patiently wait on those results! Thanks