Spotting at 5 weeks. Help!!

Hello. I am freaking out because I have been spotting for the last 2 weeks. My doctor is anything but helpful and refuses to see me until I am 6 weeks 5 days for a date scan. At 4 weeks my hormones were raising. But that's all they could tell me. 
The advice nurse today told me
"Your body is going to do what it's going to do, so I'm not sure what you're wanting me to tell you" 
I was like... I want to get advice on the chances I have of miscarriage and if my baby that I have been trying for, for a year is okay. 
I know it's still early. But I also have a cyst on my ovary which is obnoxious because it's moderately painful. 
I feel like the next week and a half are going to be the longest days of my life so I can know if I'm losing my little bean or if they're doing good. 
Any advice or experiences would be greatly appreciated.