unwanted pregnancy

I'm pregnant... We aren't sure for how long yet, but our condoms failed and now this happened... He also never came in me with the condom, so maybe he didn't pull out in time? I'm only 16, my mom wouldn't let me go on birth control even though it was for period problems, but she thought it was give me an excuse to have sex so my boyfriend and I relied on condoms. 
It's not that obvious right now, but I know with a  baby at this age, it would be wrong to let a child into the world where I wouldn't be able to take care of them so I'm going through with an abortion. It makes me sad to think about, and I actually cry about it, but I don't want this child to have a horrible life but I keep thinking about "what could have been".
My parents would kick me out if they knew I was pregnant, and I'm so scared, they have even threatened it before. I know some people on this app are going to shame me for having an abortion, but I need some help... I talked to my boyfriend about it, and he didn't want to waste money on an abortion so he bought vitamin c pills instead.... I don't know why, but I just felt so offended? If that's the word I'm looking for. It just seems so unsafe, but he tells me it's okay since someone he knows has tried it and it has worked before and that she's okay so nothing is wrong. What do I say to him about this?