Dogs and Pregnancy


My heart just melted. My husky whom I have to fight with to get him to show me love or let me pet him just did the sweetest thing. I am 8 weeks pregnant and I think he has finally sensed the change because he won't leave my side. He use to love being left alone and would always hang out in the basement away from everyone. Well the "morning sickness" hit me hard today and I've been throwing up all day long. I just can't keep anything down 😩I was so frustrated I just broke down and started crying. Like the ugly, snotty cry (not very attractive). While I'm standing in the kitchen crying like a baby, he comes up and starts nudging my hand and rubbing his head against my hand. It was the sweetest gesture and just what I needed. He was telling me "everything is going to be ok mom". It truly is amazing how dogs know when you're pregnant. Now he is just laying with me on the couch with his head on my belly. I never knew my boy could be so sweet. He's going to make a great big brother. Has anyone else experienced your dog acting differently while pregnancy?