Confused! opinions please

Hi ladies, my last AF was 24/12 and I have a 28 day cycle, which made my fertile week last week and AF due 21/01
I had all the usual symptoms, one side pain, very obviously EWCM and I usually get a little backache with ovulation also.
All of this on Thursday/Friday last week, however my clear blue digital ovulation test showed high fertility and no peak for 10 days.
Today I had similar symptoms and randomally took two ovulation tests and according to clearblue im apparently now at peak (ovulating) but according to the cheapy single dipping sticks I'm not 😒
Just to add to the frustration, my husband works away so was home last week for what i thought was ovulation but not home today (or until next week for that matter)
Anyone have any insight to offer? Feeling rather over it all 😪