i need to vent !!

I'm 24 years old mother of two amazing kids (boy 7 years old and girl 8 years old) I had them at such a young age and struggled a lot to get to where I am now . I'm an optometrist technician which I've been doing for 3 years now and I love it .. in 2014 I've had my first anxiety attack ever while at work . After that I got into a complete depression for the whole summer of 2014, my kids were obviously out of school for the whole summer and it hurts to say but that summer we didn't have any "summer fun" we were stuck home every day because I was so scared to be out in public and that I would get an anxiety attack . I would only go out for necessary things like work and errands and sometimes I would go out to visit my mom but it was so difficult!! I would cry on my way to work . I tried my best to socialize but it was so hard everybody was happy and laughing and I was like a black stormy cloud 😪. I would just want to be home , on my bed to be exact and cry and cry !! one day while I was laying on my bed I got up and walked into the living room where my kids were watching tv and I just felt so sad like how can I be like this 😭😭 my kids would see my cry all day I needed to do something . At that moment I told my kids to get ready because I was going to take them to the park. The park was right around the corner we walked to the park and I sat on a bench while my kids ran around and played . Once again I began to cry because I couldn't believe what I was going through and that I was dragging my kids into this depression with me. From then on I tried my best to be more positive and more out there and just try to live life again !! It was so hard but I began a healthy diet and just did at home work outs , listened to inspirational tapes and read books !! I was being me again I was smiling again I was laughing . I met my now fiancé when I was going through all that positive change . I began to go on dates with him and I felt "normal" again ! I felt beautiful I felt happy. Life was looking great !!! Fast forward to 2 years later (NOW) . I hit rock bottom again 😪 my brother was diagnosed with Lupus which hit a toll on me, and also my daughter was sexually molested by my mothers husband. I feel like complete shittt !!!!! Why ??? Why did my daughter had to experience that why her ?? She's the sweetest most caring little girl !!! That broke me into a million pieces and I'm still trying to heal from that with her 😪 and why ?? Why my brother ??? Why does he have to be sick ?? I feel like all of this has brought my depression and anxiety back 1000000x worse . I am seeing a psychiatrist and was prescribed medication but I feel like a zombie when I take it I hate that feeling !! So I try not to take it . Also I've always suffered from migraines since 15 years old but these past month have been the worst !! I'm in pain all the time .. and to top it all off just last month I had a laparoscopy in which they discovered endometriosis so now I know why my fiancé and I haven't gotten pregnant these past 2 years . I've been trough hell these past 2 months I just want to hide under a rock and never come out .. some days I feel positive and talk to myself that everything will get better just like that time 2 years ago  , but other days I feel like I can't take it anymore . My fiancé is very supportive and treats me like a princess. He holds me when I'm crying and checks on me all the time , I'm the luckiest to have him !! I just want some supportive words from you ladies !! Please tell me Everything is going to be alright !!! And if you read this till the end thank you thank you so much for hearing me out !! 💕💕💕💕