anyone here deal with depression that hasn't been back in years?

so I'm depressed because I'm trying so hard but we are literally so broke we only have 25 in his bank and 40 in mine :'( I never had this issue. when I work I always have money in the bank I feel like shit cause I can't work atm due to bs legal reasons like im not a us citizen im here by a work permit and for the past year it was renewed so they were supposed to send me new shit in the mail but they never fucking did. and it's been a year wtf am I supposed to do if if I want a good job?even when I work I never get hired on i always get fired cause I suck. I feel like the world's biggest failure. I try so hard sometimes and always fail no matter what. like when I lived with my hubby for the first time I applied like legit to 30 jobs a month or more and called places and I never heard anything till after I move to another area and that was months later and I gave up a dream job for a guy and I don't even drive cause I'm scared too even be a car that goes past 60 Mph cause I was in a car accident when I was little. so I can't even go anywhere I live in the country and the weather sucks. I don't take the baby out much cause we live on a main road and im afraid will get hit the cars legit our outside my door 😢😭😭😢😭 makes me feel like shit not helping out i always have been as independent as I could of been this blows ass so much like fml. with trump coming into power im more stressed he hates immigrants and im feeling like shit cause idk wtf will change any reforms Obama made can be repealed or completely erased or worse yet everyone else who is here like me can be deported. like its so fucked up. I have a ssn like everyone else but I can't leave the country ever or I lose it and it can only be used for work and to an extend because ppl don't like work permits they don't understand them. and im so fed up feeling like a second class citizen :( America is the only home I've known since I was 7. I'm worried for not only my future but my daughters. who's not to say just because I'm Mexican born they'll take away her citizenship?it's not fair im judged based on my skin an origin. I hate trump so much he scares me not only for my future but for my life. how can one man be so racist?

please don't bash me :'( like im so depressed and crying. any tips or advice.

I just don't know what the fuck to do anymore. like im crying and I feel a bad anxiety attack coming on 😭 im trying to be positive but seriously so much is going to shit I feel like im going and lieying to myself to think things will get better. :( I absolutely hate being this broke. it's not fair my husband fucking deserved a raise or more with what he fucking put up with that company. he has lost so much weight like im worried his malnourished. he used to be an assistant manager and got demoted because they never trained him properly and he was so stressed they made him give up his second job cause they wanted him all around the clock but then I'm sure they didn't demote him just for not being trained well but for staying and doing over time. :'(