Need advice on what to do... here's my saturation

Ok so I went to the doctor today and he said ok maybe .5 cm dialated 😑 and 50 % effaced. I'm
Not very happy with my doctor and have switched twice in the same facility but I don't seem to like any because of how short answered they are. But anyway the thing is that my baby is measuring 9lbs( 40 weeks) last time I went. So doctor said they aren't always accurate but he could potentially grow another pound in a week(at 41 weeks). He also said there could be more risks that come with me waiting too long. So I have to decide to get induced or not and kinda decided maybe it's best to go with an induction to ensure the baby's safety. 
Now I really want to avoid a c section so I know inducing can make it more likely that I will need a c section which scares me. I'm trying to weight the options of inducing at 41 weeks and hoping for the best... or waiting later in the week when it's closer to 42 weeks and hoping it won't cause baby stress and hoping c section isn't more likely due to his weight. So my question is what would you do ?? 
The other thing is they put me on a monitor and it looked like I was getting contractions but  they were so mild I didn't feel them at all! I hear this is common... and the doctor didn't even aknoledge that I was getting them so I'm wondering if he rather I just get induced because it's easier for him or what?? I also wonder how I could be getting these contractions yet not dilate at all 😔. Or could this be the beginning  🤔 idk... ugh I'm full of questions. Any input helps. Thanks!Â